
"Un gran poder computacional conlleva una gran responsabilidad a la sociedad"

My research group (MBG) at Fresno State focuses on applying mathematics to (mostly) biological problems.

DNA structure

Machine Learning Methods for Genomic Variant Detection

To uncover genomic variation in related individuals, I develop machine learning tools that leverage known information in the prediction of this variation.

deep learning convolution

Optimization & Deep Learning Methods for Noisy Data

In the context of low-quality images and genomic data,  I create and apply deep learning frameworks to accurately classify these data.

Statistical & Predictive Modeling of Disease Severity

I also work on mathematical and statistical models for the prediction of Valley Fever (and other disease) severity using genomic and disease data.


I am currently looking for graduate (Master's) students to join the group! Desired background is in linear algebra, programming skills, and/or bioinformatics. If you are interested in joining the research team, please complete the following Google Form


You can find my code (including tutorials) below


University of California, Merced

Lawrence Livermore National Lab

​University of Chicago